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Puppy Makes Sure His Kids Get On School Bus Every Morning

“He sits still and stern like, ‘Don’t mess with my children.’”, writes moneysavingbasics.

For three years, Melissa Nixon and her family searched for the perfect dog. When they found Bentley, the golden retriever puppy was everything they had hoped for — smart, loving and family-oriented.

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With five kids to play with, Bentley is always busy. But the mornings, when “his” kids are leaving for school, are Bentley’s busiest time of day. The pup pays special attention to the two youngest girls who get picked up by a school bus at the end of the driveway and he takes his job of seeing them off safely very seriously.

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At first, Bentley didn’t trust the whole “school bus” thing: “We got him when they were in hybrid learning, so they were going to school half the time,” Nixon told The Dodo. “I think at first he wasn’t sure where this giant yellow object was taking his children, so he would just sit out there confused.”

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To help put Bentley’s mind at ease, the girls told their bus driver about their new dog and how much they cared about him. Now, Bentley gets a special shout-out whenever the school bus pulls up to his house.

“They do the loudspeaker every morning and [Bentley’s] very energetic,” Nixon said. “But as soon as he hears the loudspeaker say, ‘Hi, Bentley!’ he sits still and stern like, ‘Don’t mess with my children.’”

You can watch Bentley in action here:

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Due to COVID restrictions, the girls are back to virtual learning and the school bus hasn’t shown up in a while. But that doesn’t mean Bentley lets his guard down.

“Every time I play the video and he hears the bus, he has to count his children,” Nixon said. “He finds each one of them and then goes to the door and wants to be let out because he wants that bus to come … I think he misses it.”

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“He’s confused that they can’t play at certain times and he tests out the boundaries to see how much of the schooling he can get into,” Nixon said. “He tries to jump at the screen and play with them, but now that we’ve been doing it for quite a while, he’s adjusted pretty well.”

“He loves having everyone home,” Nixon added. “I don’t think he could ask for a better situation.”

Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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