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One Woman’s Final Action Changed The Lives Of Every Dog In Ohio Shelter

The best acts of kindness are the ones we least expect, especially when they can change someone’s life for the better. A kind woman named Patricia Wilson did exactly that, writes moneysavingbasics.

Wilson donated $30,000 to the Richland County Dog Shelter in Mansfield, Ohio as part of her will. She wanted to leave behind something to help the dogs in their care get adopted faster and overall have better well-being. For this organization, that is a large amount of money, and they believe it can keep helping rescue dogs for at least the next year. It’s amazing how one action can influence so many animals in need, and it makes us all want to make a difference too.

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One Donation Goes a Long Way


When Wilson set up the donation, she requested that it be used to make adoption fees easier for people to afford. So, the shelter reduced the current dog adoption fees from $199 to $169. They will continue using the lower fee until they use up the entire donation. They estimate that they will be able to keep the fees more affordable for about a year.

Another part of the donation will go toward the care and happiness of the dogs at the shelter. They’ll use the money to repair the dog play yard, which had some gaps in the fence. Additionally, they’re building a second play yard so more dogs can be out of their kennels at once.

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“We can have more dogs out at once, which enables them to get more time out of their kennels,” said Deputy Dog Warden Missy Houghton. “That translates into better behavior when they’re in their kennels, so they appear to be more adoptable.”

So, not only will Wilson’s donation help make dog adoption more affordable for families, but it will also help the happiness and wellbeing of the dogs in their care.

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The Shelter’s Gratitude

The shelter cannot thank Wilson enough for her incredibly kind gesture. It’s rare that smaller shelters will receive donations that large from random people, so it was such a pleasant surprise. They have even decided to dedicate the new play yard to Wilson as a way to show their appreciation.

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“Dogs become part of your family, and the Richland County Board of Commissioners and dog warden’s office are very thankful for the donation left by Mrs. Patricia Wilson, which will be used to find homes for many of the dogs in our care,” said County Commissioner Marilyn John.

So far, the adoption rate has remained steady throughout the coronavirus pandemic, but there are still plenty of dogs who need homes. If you’re looking for a new furry friend in Ohio, check out their adoptable dogs.

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Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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