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Officer Finds Dog Tied Out in the Cold Rain and Decides to Give Him a Forever Home

Christmas is one of the best periods of the year. This holiday stands for love, family, and happiness. But as most people and animals are celebrating it in the comfort of their home, many stray animals are left out in the cold, doing their best to survive, writes moneysavingbasics.

Luckily, for one abandoned dog chained to a fence Christmas was a turning point in his life because on this day a very special man came across his path and gave him a second chance for happiness.

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NYPD Officer Michael Pascale first spotted the shivering dog while he was on duty on Christmas day. The animal was scared and freezing and was struggling to hide from the severe wind.


The moment Pascale looked at the dog’s eyes he somehow knew he was looking at a family. In one moment, the sweet animal was on the pouring rain, and in the next, he was in the cozy home of his rescuer.

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Pascale named his new pal Joey and he’s now sharing the story of how the two met because he wants to raise awareness about abandoned dogs. He hopes people will finally learn how dumping their pets affects the animals’ life and how they struggle to find their place in the world after their family gave up on them.

Below is the whole story. Make sure you see it and share it with your friends.

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Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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